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About the Brahma Kumaris

Just-a-minute is a worldwide initiative of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University which promotes the principles and practice of Raja Yoga meditation through educational programmes, events, projects and publications. Bringing together people of all religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, the University encourages the development of the spiritual dimension of their lives and with it, a sense of well-being, dignity and self-reliance.

The University has of a worldwide network of over 8,500 centres in more than 100 countries, the first of which was founded in India in the 1930’s.

Global Co-operation House 65-69 Pound Lane, London NW10 2HH Tel: 020 8727 3350


UK Website:

Books, CDs, DVDs:

BKWSU International website:

As a service to the community the University charges no fees for any of its activities, being funded by voluntary contributions.

“When I change, the world changes”

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... it takes just a minute
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